Hypoxi has just been touted "the mother of all" weight loss treatments in this month's Cosmo magazine!

HYPOXI – The innovation in weight loss that Robbie Williams “swears by”, HYPOXI has been hailed by the media as “the most effective cellulite and fat burning treatment to come on the market” (SHE Magazine). HYPOXI does not involve surgery, pills or ridiculous diets. We offer a natural, exercise based solution which has been proven to help you drop centimeters in as little as 4 weeks.

For fast, natural and noticeable results, HYPOXI therapy is the most effective way to reduce and eliminate unwanted fat and cellulite. HYPOXI targets the problem zones of the stomach, waist, hips, buttocks and thighs through the unique combination of vacuum therapy and gentle exercise. In fact, HYPOXI has been proven to achieve up to 3 times greater centimeter loss than that achieved with conventional exercise.The beauty of HYPOXI is that there is a product in the range to target each problem area of the body; we recognize that every woman is different.
